State Principals Conference

Thursday, December 12, 2019 - 12:30pm to Friday, December 13, 2019 - 2:00pm

State Principals Conference 2019
Cornhusker Marriott - Lincoln, NE
Pre-registration is now closed.  Stop by the on-site registration table to attend.

This annual event brings together elementary, middle, and secondary principals from across the state for professional development and networking. 

Thursday, December 12, 2019

12:00     Registration & Exhibition Opens 
12:30      Welcome - Ross Ricenbaw, NSASSP President
              Legislative Update and AdvocacyMike Dulaney, NCSA
1:00       #PrincipalRodeo
This participant-driven session is designed to provide professional development for the unique needs of principals.  Registrants will be contacted ahead of time for topic ideas to best utilize time. Join us at the #PrincipalRodeo to learn about the hottest topics and developments in the principalship!
2:30       Break & Exhibition Visit 
3:00       Concurrent NSASSP and NAESP Law Sessions
4:00       Social in Exhibit Hall
5:30       Dinner on your own

Friday, December 13, 2019Adam Welcome photo
8:00       Continental Breakfast & Exhibits Open
8:30       Welcome - Tammy Schaefer, NAESP President
              Kids Deserve It - Adam Welcome
Motivational presentation - Kids Deserve It is a simple yet profound message and we should all join the conversation. Ride the bus with your students, read books to them, ride tricycles with Kindergarten students - stop making excuses and make it happen for your community!
9:45       Break 
10:15     Select-a-Session I
11:00     Break
11:15     Select-a-Session II
12:00     Awards Lunch
1:15       Select-a-Session III

Concurrent Session Topics
Session I: 10:15-11:00
Building and Implementing an Instructional Model You Can Really Use - Ballroom A
Michael Hart, Mickie Mueller, Beth Nelson, and Jason Ayers – Norfolk Public Schools
Norfolk Public Schools has developed our own district Instructional Model. For many years, we used a combination of “best practice” strategies as our framework for instruction. These instruments served us well in the past and we have come a long way in improving instruction in our district, but we needed to do more.   Although these diverse strategies provided a solid foundational perspective and focus on what good teaching should be, we needed to take the consistency and fidelity of our instructional practices to the next level so that we could maximize our impact on student learning.

Dealing with Difficult Situations:  How to Handle What They Don't Teach You in School - Ballroom B
Lucus Dalinghaus - Johnson-Brock Public Schools
Principals make several decisions on a daily basis over situations that involve students, parents, and teachers.  It is nearly impossible for principal preparation programs to provide guidance for every situation a principal may encounter.  This session will go over real-life scenarios that principals have encountered with discussion on how to handle these difficult situations.  Consider this an opportunity to add to your toolbox if similar situations were to arise in your building.

Being A Rock Star Tech-Savy Administrator: What Are You Afraid Of? - Ballroom C
Cameron Hudson - High Plains Community
This session is designed to highlight and promote the awesome power that  the use of technology can bring to being a rock star school administrator!  With students and staff being plugged in 24/7 this session will help showcase a few of the ways that I use technology to simplify, showcase, and attack my job on a daily basis!

Helping students "Recover!" - Garrat
Sara Paider - St. Paul Elementary
Maximizing instruction and minimizing disruptions in the classrooms is now a reality instead of a dream at St. Paul Elementary.  Our dream even came true without the addition of a behavior interventionist.  Come learn how students are getting their SEL needs met with minimal instructional loss for ALL!   

Session II: 11:15-12:00

Dominate the Day! - Ballroom A
Jeff Spilker, Jeff Johnson, and Jessica Prusha - Papillion LaVista South High School
20 tips and tricks to survive and thrive in secondary administration.  Participants will be able to use these tips and tricks and take them and use them as their own!    This presentation is a compilation of our experiences in school leadership. Participants will hear stories, tips, and strategies to handle all that comes their way in their position of leadership.     Survive and Thrive and do the best you can for your students and staff!

Building on Strengths - MTSS - Ballroom B
Josh Snyder, Ben Kreifels, Staci Simonsen, Marc Kaminski, and Jen Johnson - Wahoo Public Schools
Leaders from Wahoo Public Schools will explain how the evolution from RTI to MTSS prompted them to create an MTSS Framework that grows and develops with their district. This presentation will focus on how to build a framework that fits your needs by identifying strengths that already exist. Specifically, how to merge problem-solving/Student Assistance Team processes with the "big picture" of MTSS.

Creating Community in Your School Through Families - Ballroom C
Erin Sieh, Sammie, and Aimee Parde – Freeman Public Schools
This year Freeman implemented Falcon Families in grades K-12.  Every Friday our blended families meet to focus on building community.  Families are a mix of students in grades K-6 and then 7-12.  Activities may include the topics of kindness, competition, strengths, community service, and building relationships.  Come learn about why we implemented families this year, how we did it, and what we have learned so far!

#MaterialsMatter - Garrat
Cory Epler – Nebraska Department of Education
The Nebraska Department of Education is committed to helping districts select and implement high quality instructional materials that support the instructional shifts demanded by college-and-career ready standards. In this session, participants will gain a deeper understanding of the instructional materials landscape, explore how the selection and implementation of high-quality materials can make a difference in student learning, and provide an overview of NDE’s priorities around high-quality instructional materials. 

Session III: 1:15-2:00
Principals As Leaders (PALs) #StrongerTogether - Ballroom A
Josie Floyd - Sutherland Public School
Tessa Fraass - Creek Valley Public Schools
Keri Homan - Morrill Elementary School 
Tammy Schaefer - Cross County Community School
Erin Sieh - Freeman Public
Formerly known as Nebraska Moms as Principals, the Nebraska PALs (Principals As Leaders) are back in action with a fast and furious session to share their favorite ways to think outside the box and take building leadership to the next level.  Five principals will share their best ideas that will take you from a good to great principal.  You will leave this session energized with a bag full of tricks that you can easily implement for the second half of the year.

A System for Every System - Ballroom B
Matt Hilderbrand - Papillion LaVista Community Schools
Do less, and do it better! Do you ever feel like an informal system has taken hold of time or resources in your building?  If so, you are not alone.  How do you find ways to maximize resources and increase efficiency of formal and informal systems in your building?  In this session, I will provide a framework for thinking about processes in your building and how you can structure systems to increase the efficiency of these systems.  Takeaways: Tips and tricks for personal and institutional systems and how to make them even better!

What Administrations Should Hear...and Remember - Ballroom C
Tucker Tejkl - Riverside Public Schools
This session is one that will make you self-reflect on what it means to be an "administrator". Through my whirlwind of a first year, the experiences I have been through and learning from others, this will allow us to take a breath and reflect on the importance of our profession and also the importance of our priorities.


Quality Instructional Feedback--Lessons Learned from ResearchGarrat
Megan Myers - Waverly High School
What does quality instructional feedback from an administrator to a teacher look like in a specialized secondary classroom (i.e. science, math, spanish, etc.)? Research will be shared concerning secondary science teacher and administrator perceptions on what purposeful feedback should look like and whether it needs to contain a content focus. What do we, as instructional leaders, need to provide for feedback designed to help support the professional growth of our teachers?


Lodging Information
Cornhusker Marriott
333 S. 13th Street - Lincoln, NE 68508
Reservations by phone: (800) 228-9290, Mention: NCSA State Principals Conference-2019
OR click HERE to book your room online
Rate: $118 + tax
Book by November 14, 2019

Exhibit and Sponsorship
Each year the NAESP and NSASSP hold an annual conference to provide professional development for Nebraska Principals and allow for better collaboration between the organizations.  The audience for this event is made up of elementary, middle, and high school principals from across the state.  Registration will be sent out soon for exhibit and sponsors.

Exhibit opportunities are full but there are a few sponsorship opportunities left.  Click HERE to download additional information and paperwork.  

Exhibit and sponsor opportunities are handled on a first-come, first-served with completed paperwork and payment basis. 

The exhibit and sponsor cancellation deadline for this event is November 15. No refunds will be provided after this date.


Celebrating Women in Leadership

March 26-27, 2025
Holiday Inn, Kearney, NE

Bring your colleagues and staff for this learning experience intended to celebrate practicing and aspiring female leaders, engage with colleagues around problems of practice, and learn from female leader experiences.
